Saturday, January 9, 2010

By: Miss Abigail Hansen, age 10

Jonny and I are in BC this weekend working on getting his visa for China. Abby and I are sitting here and we thought it would be fun for her to do a post. This is Abby, our niece.

Abby's Best Jokes:
1. Why do humming birds hum? Because they don't know the words.
2. What does a cow say without any lips? OOOOOOO!
3. What is a lion's favorite state? M-A-N-E.
4. What's a lion's favorite food magazine? Feeders Digest.
5. What do you give a blood thirsty angry lion? Lots of room.

This is the story (according to Abby) of when she was caught on the roof.

One evening, I decided to stick my leg out the window and touch the roof. And when nobody was looking, I climbed right out of the window. And I had been climbing on the roof for two whole weeks. And one day while I was eating pretzels and looking at the view, I heard someone calling my name. And I quickly scrambled through the window. Six seconds later, my dad came  barging in with the most ugly look on his face. And he said, "Abby, were you on the roof?" I didn't answer and I didn't have to, because he could see little parts of the roof on my window sill and dirty black socks. I was grounded for six weeks from going and playing with my friends. I got the idea from Kim Possible. The lesson I learned was to never go on the roof no matter how much you want to see what the bird poop looks like on the roof.
The End

Jonny, Max, Ella and Abby

My favorite things about my cousin Ella:
1. she like to suck her thumb
2. she make animal noises
3. we look alike
4. she likes it when I hold her and throw her up in the air
5. when Ella was born I was really excited
6. soon she is going to be a big sister to a boy and she said she wanted a fish instead of a little brother
7. my suggestions for Ella's little brother's name are Elias, Thomas, and Arthur
8. Ella likes my big stuffed animals
9. she eats funny

What will I be when I grow up?... No clue. But, if I could be a super hero, I would be saying no way Jose. I don't want to be a super hero because I don't want to get shot down by the bad guys.

My goals for this year are:
1. following the contract that I signed with my mom
2. playing as many video games as I possibly can
3. enter to be in the movies

I think that's all. All done!


  1. Ahaha. This post was great, and very Abby-esque. I especially love that Ella wants a fish instead of a brother. Good luck with the movies Abby, break a leg!

